From the IMTS+  Creators Lounge

Jeannine Kunz

Chief Development Workforce Officer, SME

Scaling Local Impact, Driving National Change: SME's Collaborative Approach to Workforce Challenges

Learn about SME's dynamic initiatives to shrink the skills gap with Jeannine Kunz of SME. Find out how SME is focusing on upskilling current employees, engaging students, and attracting those who have traditionally been on the sidelines of manufacturing. Get the details on programs that emphasize local action with national impact, including the Smartforce Student Summit, which brings students to IMTS; the PRIME Program, which equips high schools with resources; and the Manufacturing Imperative, which aims to enroll 75,000 students in technical programs over three years. As a bonus, discover details about SME's certifications for pre-career and current professionals.

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